
Wednesday, 10 December 2008

4D Open in v11 does work!

here is the blog article you have all been looking for... or is it?...

ok, so 4D SAS have had to make some serious decisions about moving their flagship product forward now that the 4D SQL Server's underlying architecture is changing and one of their main goals is confirming to open standards. unfortunately dropping 4D OPEN was one of them and quite naturally, this is going to cause a stir amongst a few developers.

the good news is that 4D does have althernative options available...
* 4D SQL Pass-Through
* Web Services
*Use the 4D Open plugin (for 4D 2004) in 4D v11...
...yes, that's right you can use the 4D 2004 version of the 4D Open plugin within 4D SQL Server v11 to communicate to 4D 2004 databases (Windows or Mac Rosetta compatibility mode). you can't go the other way round but if you've got a sync-farm setup this may help with a staggered upgrade.

technology evolves. so must we :m)

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